The weather is changing here in Southern Oregon, and we’ve been getting out the warm clothes. We realized pretty quickly that we would need to make some of our favorite shirts into something a bit warmer, so we set about getting hoodies and long sleeve shirts. Fast forward a few weeks, and now we have the Long Sleeve and the Hoodie versions of the Jones Sasquatch T-Shirt in stock and ready to ship! They’re the same deep chocolate brown color with the three color artwork by Stephen Haynes as the T-shirt version. The main difference is that on the hoodie, the artwork is on the back instead of the front, where it is on the short and long-sleeve versions.

We’ve also just received our new socks, made for us by Sockguy. They come in two versions: a lightweight version, and a warm wool version. The lightweight versions have a 4″ cuff length, and no padding, making them a fantastic summer sock. The wool socks, on the other hand, have a 6″ cuff and medium padding to help keep your feet warm on chilly days. Given the temperature here, we’re enjoying the cozy wool ones, but the lighter ones feel like they’ll be just the ticket for warmer weather!